New Chapter

Created by dionne 16 years ago
my huni was born on 17th july 2005 with downs syndrome which came as a shock as i was only 32 at the time, but from the moment i set eyes on her i knew she was angel sent from above, she had2 life saving operations from her being 2 weeks old untill she was 5 months we go to take her her home eventually in early november i was so happy she was going to have her first xmas with us the people who loved her most. on 23/12/05 she took a turn for the worst while we were out shopping for ourxmas goodies, phenmonia had set in and she died in my arms outside a food shop, everyone tried to revive her but it was to late, i gave her c.p.r and she sighed her last breath i swear to this day that was her little way of saying goodbye to me, shes happy and at peace although we are not as we miss her so bad. huni my darling sweet angel there is never a day that goes by that your not spoken about and always in our hearts.
